Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Hubby, Neighborhood Cop

My hubby, Chris, was recently credited with busting some neighborhood bandits. Below is an email from one of the neighbors highlighting the bust. It's so hilarious, I couldn't resist posting it. Enjoy!

"After being plagued by burglaries over the last few months, our streets are once again safe due to the heroic acts of one of our own. Earlier yesterday, self-proclaimed neighborhood heartthrob, Chris Page, singlehandedly cracked open a cat burglary ring that had been targeting unsuspecting homeowners in our neighborhood. Page conducted surveillance and nabbed the perpetrators while being guised as actually doing some work in his redneck truck. He was able to snap photos and write down tag information that cracked open a case that had previously baffled Tampa’s finest. Tampa Police were stumped by the lack of evidence from prior burglaries and have credited Page with the arrest. The burglars quickly confessed to their dastardly deeds after being confronted by the overwhelming evidence that Page collected.

It is rumored that the burglars had originally targeted the Johansen residence. However, after seeing the junk that they were trying to pawn off on unsuspecting Tampa Tribune readers as “merchandise” during this weekend’s yard sale, the burglars decided that the house on the corner was a safer bet for valuable booty. The burglars had no interest in the Carreja residence. They confessed to being petrified at the stellar security measures that the Carreja’s are using to protect their home. In addition to a state of the art security system, the Carrejas employ two loud standard poodles that have been expertly trained in the ancient martial art of Poo-Jitsu. The burglars recounted seeing one of the dogs eating ornaments and licking his chops while eyeing them through the window. The other dog was dragging a couch across the first floor of the home. One burglar commented, “It was just too scary to consider that place. Those dogs are crazy!”

The Page residence was also safe. The burglars had no interest in dealing with three screaming kids.

Three Cheers for Page! Our neighborhood hero."

1 comment:

Anne-Marie said...

Hilarious! Love the part about the poodles and the kids =)