Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wii Fit is controlling my Life!

I recieved a Wii Fit Plus from my husband for my birthday this week. Before you go, "that is WRONG", I asked for one, thinking that it would be fun to play with the kids. Sometimes I just need a break from all of the running/swimming/biking doldrums. Plus, it's fun and it's a VIDEO GAME. Who could ask for anything more? No longer will video games be for the un-fit and un-motivated. Get up! Get active! Work out! Play a VIDEO GAME!!!!!!! I'm in heaven!

It's now day 4 of my workouts and I'm having a blast. I've conquered so many games, unlocked the "advanced" portion of many of the courses, I think I'm the BOMB. At this pace, I'll have lost those last five baby-pounds before Thanksgiving! I found out that I'm really good at golf (who'da thought?) and I'm fantastic at Snowball throwing. I suck at Step class (like, who cares?) and I can't snowboard, ski, juggle, or travel in a bubble.

That being said, the Wii is also making me paranoid and hurting my self-esteem. It tells me that I am "unbalanced". Really. Well, who wouldn't be? I'm a 39 year old mom of three who can't snowboard or skateboard! It told me this morning while I was doing my strength and balance workout that I was "shaky" and that standing in one place wasn't my "strong suit". Really. REALLY. Oh, and I lean to the left. And I'm stronger on my left than my right even though I'm right handed. It can't quite figure that one out. Here's the reason - carry three kids on your left hip over the last eight years while you do everything with your right hand and see if you don't list to the left. Yeah, take that, Wii Fit Plus trainer-bitch. Didn't ask me THAT question, didya?! And to make matters worse, it sprung a Memory and Agility test on me this morning, which I failed miserably making my "Wii Fit Age" a dismal 44. Great.

Nevertheless, I will continue to kick butt on the soccer headbutts, the flying chicken and the hula hoop. Hopefully I'll hit my "goal" by the time Turkey Time is here. I pray that it won't ask me to do anything too challenging, like balancing on one leg while twirling a baton or something.

Oh, and by the way, Big Kid, who's almost nine, kicked my rear end in biking. Yes, biking. Sigh.........

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