Thursday, October 15, 2009

Soapmaking as therapy

I just realized today that soapmaking is therapy. You know when you're mad at your husband or boyfriend and you feel like you have to clean? I mean, REALLY clean?! There's something about scrubbing, putting away dishes, folding clothes that helps you to really FOCUS on what it was that really pissed you off. I spent the last two days in the shop making soap - LOTS of soap. I am ramping up for my hopefully busy holiday sales season and need a ton of soap. I've made over 200 bars in two days and I feel re--energized. I've spent this time soapmaking but also reflecting on the what, where, and why of my business. Did I get anywhere? Absolutely. I have a clearer plan for 2010 and I feel like I've got some direction on how to get there.

So, next time you're pissed or just need some time to reflect, find something that keeps your hands busy so that your mind wanders. You may be surprised where it takes you. Or, you'll just have a clean house.

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