Thursday, September 18, 2008

What the hell am I doing here?

Well, well well. Here I am, like it or not! For those of you who don't know who I am or what I'm about, shame on you. I am a married mother of three adorable, darling little girls. Big Girl (kid #1) is 7, Mid-Kid (Kid #2) is 2 and Baby Love (kid #3) is 2 months. Yeah, you read it right. I have a NEWBORN. So what? Let me tell you, it's not for the weak. Add to that, a toddler who's only word is NO, screamed at the top of her lungs. To top it off, a moody 7 year old that wants to be the boss of the house. I'm sure you'll get to know them as the blogs go by.

My poor husband, Chris, is the alpha male of the house. Well, he's the ONLY male in the house. He's outnumbered and out-voted on most things. But, he puts up with us and our girl-fits. He is the youngest of three boys in his family but has a strong relationship with his mom, allowing for a little bit of female understanding.

I own a business, Indigo Bee ( I make handmade soap and other body/bath products. I have been doing this for two years now and I enjoy the heck out of it. You can read my story on my website, and yes, it's really true. I have been featured in the St. Pete Times and on our local Channel 10. I wish I had more time to spend on my business but with the kids, it's not in the cards right now. I am also a licensed mortgage broker and have worked in the state of Florida for almost ten years. And, NO, I am not responsible for the risky home mortgage loans to individuals with bad credit. I did NOT single-handedly sink the housing market. My take on the mortgage mess is fodder for another blog entry.

As far as hobbies go, I really only have a couple. Maybe I'll have more when my kids are grown. For now, my biggest hobby is being a sprint Triathlete. Yep.....I know. Why?! I wonder the same thing when I'm standing on the beach at 630 am, waiting for my heat to be called so that I can jump in the stinky seaweed ocean and get pummeled relentlessly by 100 other women and men wanting to reach that first buoy before they drown. And then I scream WHY AM I DOING THIS IT IS NOT FUN ANYMORE CAN I QUIT AND GO HOME AND EAT A HAMBURGER when I'm running that last mile or two and my legs feel like jelly and the sweat is running in my eyes and some 85 year old is passing me. But, when I cross that finish line, exhausted and ready to throw up, I feel a sense of accomplishment that is unlike anything else. I could go on.....but that again is fodder for another blog entry.

So, back to my original question: What the hell am I doing? Being the mom of three girls, wife, business owner, sounding board, sister, daughter, etc. etc. etc., sometimes you just need a way to vent. I hope that you find this entertaining and educational (ha!) and would be willing to comment as you see fit. I hope to talk about those things that make me happy, sad, angry and frustrated and I hope you find them stimulating and encouraging. I do not wish to offend but I hope to be candid and thought-provoking at times. Overall, I just wanna make you smile. So, we're off! Enjoy, comment, rant, rave, but please PLEASE be respectful and say what's on your mind!

ABC's and 123's

On the way to preschool today (glorified daycare), my almost-3 year old decided to entertain us with singing. She sang the abc's:

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, halamama pee - look, the moon!

To top it off, she wanted to recite her numbers:

1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 18, 13, 12........FOUR! Look, the MOON!

I'm always amazed at the ability of a 2/3 year old to obsess over one thing to the exclusion of everything else.

I laughed myself silly. so cute.

Fun at the Local Gym

Ok, I gotta tell ya this. I work out at the local YMCA and have been a member forever. I saw this guy working out today in the "weight" room. He was about 50 or so. I was busy working on my 'ceps (biceps for you work-out challenged) trying to firm up my flappers and lose these baby-inspired last 15 pounds. He wanted to work out on the machine next to me - it's one of those long, upside down "U" type machines with pulleys on both ends that you can attach various apparatus to. You can do biceps, triceps, back, etc. The top middle is a bar that you can do pull-ups on - you know what I'm talking about? Anyway, he comes sauntering over with these boot-thingys on and a bicep curl bar and proceeds to (get this) hook his feet to the pull-up bar. Upside down. On PURPOSE. Of course, now that he's upside down, he can't reach to bicep curl bar that he put on the ground in order to hang himself (ha ha) from the pull-up bar. You got the visual? Luckily, a lady happened to be in front of him (probably the reason he decided to perform this maneuver as she was about 6 feet tall, blonde with a killer body) and she handed this bar to him. So, here he is, hanging upside down by his booty-feet, doing (snicker) UPSIDE DOWN BICEP CURLS. I sat there, blinking in confusion, jamming to an old Oingo Boingo tune, wondering the same thing you are - What was the point? Am I missing some new-fangled, ultra-hip, super-effective bicep workout? Where do you learn these things? Does he sit home with his new boots and wonder what is the best way to get a "killer" workout with them? What's next, hang by one boot and do karate kicks to impress the ladies?????? This is almost as good as the middle-aged guy farting next to me while doing sit ups! The only difference is that I didnt' have to immediately vacate the area.

It's really too bad I couldn't snap a pic of him with my uber-cool Iphone. I was too brain-dead from lack of breakfast to think about it at the time. Oh well, worth a chuckle or two.